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Nabila Naz Lecturer, Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, BUET, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Phone: +8801571707518 Email: nabilanaz@name.buet.ac.bd
Academic Background-B.Sc. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (BUET) M.Sc. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (BUET)(Ongoing)Publications-
M. S. Tarafder and N.Naz,"Analysis of potential flow around two -dimensional body by finite element method",Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research,Vol. 7(2), pp. 9-22, May 2015 M. M. Karim and N. Naz , "Computation of Hydrodynamuc Characteristics of Ships using CFD", accepted for publication by International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing (IJMMM, ISSN: 1793-8198), March 2016Research Interests-
Naval Hydrodynamics Computational Fluid Dynamics Theory Courses-
- NAME 345(Welding Technology)
- NAME 449(Navigation and Maritime Regulation)
- NAME 429(Marine Engineering)
- NAME 477(Optimization Methods in Ship Design)
Sessional Courses-
- NAME 118(Ship Design Lab-I)
- NAME 124(Fluid Mechanics Sessional)
- NAME 224(Marine Hydrodynamics Sessional)
- NAME 238(Ship Design Lab-II)
- NAME 246(Ship Design Lab-III))
- NAME 248(Ship Design Lab-IV)
- NAME 336(Computer Programming in Ship Design -I)
- NAME 430(Marine Engineering Sessional)
Workshop Attended-
A Day Long Workshop on Quality Assurance and Self Assessment Exercise organized by IQAC, BUET, Feb 2016